Smooth Glow Beauty

Welcome to Smooth Glow Beauty

Fall In Love With Your Teeth Again

During the whitening process, a gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to your teeth to
break down stains, revealing whiter teeth. A special light is also used to activate the
whitening process.

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Pre-care for Teeth Whitening

We Have An Easy Solution For Your Dental Problems

Ensure you visit your dentist and are caught up on your cleanings. A professional dental cleaning is recommended before teeth whitening. This removes plaque, tartar, and surface stains, allowing the whitening agents to work more effectively. It will create a clean canvas for your teeth whitening.

Tooth discoloration can occur due to various factors such as aging, genetics, and consuming certain foods and drinks. Over time, stains penetrate the enamel, causing the teeth to lose their natural whiteness

Laser Hair Removal

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Hair with Laser Hair Removal

Tired of the constant battle against unwanted hair? Laser hair removal could be your solution for long-lasting hair reduction
Laser hair removal targets the hair follicles with concentrated light energy.

The melanin in the hair absorbs the light, which damages the follicles and inhibits future hair growth. Multiple sessions are required for optimal results, as hair grows in different stages.

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After teeth whitening, it's important to avoid consuming staining foods and drinks for at least 24-48 hours.
Brighten Your Teeth
Laser hair removal on the face is a noninvasive medical procedure that uses a beam of light (a laser) to remove hair from the face.
Facial Hair Removal

How does Leg Laser Hair Removal work? A Laser Hair Removal works by directing the concentrated light to target your leg's hair follicles at the root.

Full Leg Hair Removal

Full-arm laser hair removal is a great way to remove unwanted hair without having to pluck or wax

Full Hand Hair Removal

Underarm laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that removes hair from the underarm area

Underarm Hair Removal

The head of the laser is placed on the skin, spot by spot, and at each time it emits a light beam, which reaches hair follicle and destroys it.

Abdomen Hair Removal

Both bikini and Brazilian laser hair removal involve the use of laser technology.

Bikini Hair Removal

The laser machine emits a powerful light that penetrates through the skin to damage active hair follicles and stop their ability to regrow hair.

Brazilian Hair Removal

The laser can effectively and safely remove unwanted hair, provided they are dark and thick enough.

Buttock Hair Removal

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Frequently Asked Questions About The Patient For The Public

Yes, teeth whitening is generally safe when done under professional supervision. However, it’s essential to consult with your dentist before starting any whitening treatment. They will ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy enough for the procedure.

The longevity of teeth whitening results varies from person to person. On average, the effects can last anywhere from a few months to a year or more. Proper oral hygiene,  avoiding staining foods and drinks, and occasional touch-up treatments can help maintain the results for longer.

Teeth sensitivity is a potential side effect of teeth whitening. However, advancements in whitening products and techniques have reduced the likelihood and severity of sensitivity. There are desensitizing products that the technician can apply in case of sensitivity.

Teeth whitening treatments are not effective on dental restorations like crowns, veneers, or fillings. These materials do not respond to bleaching agents. If you have restorations, your dentist can recommend alternative options to match the color of your natural teeth.

Laser hair removal may cause some discomfort during the treatment often described as a slight snapping or tingling sensation. However, most people find it tolerable,and the sensation subsides quickly.The use of cooling techniques and numbing creams can further minimize any discomfort.

Laser hair removal requires multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. The exact number varies depending on factors such as hair color, skin tone, and the treated area. On average, 6-8  sessions are recommended spaced several weeks apart to target the hair in different growth cycles. Consistency and patience are key to achieving long-lasting hair reduction.

While laser hair removal is generally safe,some potential side effects may occur. These can include temporary redness, swelling, or mild discomfort in the treated area. In rare cases, changes in skin pigmentation or blistering may occur, but they are usually temporary.

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